
There's more software work to do because the sample code I found is super basic, but the proof of concept works! With a parts bill of ~$15 I've hooked this thing up to WiFi and given it an API I can use to integrate it into our smart home hub. #hacking #roomba #esp8266 #arduino https://t.co/lgqAqtbsSt

Everything is better with WiFi. #roomba #hacking #esp8266 #arduino #weekendproject

Weekend project. Gonna try making my old Roomba much smarter. #smarthome #arduino #esp8266 #roomba

Putting my hand in front of the ultrasonic tape measure I just built. 11cm in front of it, to be exact. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics https://t.co/P9Ms82Xn6S

My cheap Chinese ultrasonic distance sensors have arrived! Which means I could conceivably finish my smart garage build this weekend if it's not too cold out there. #MakersGonnaMake #Electronics #Arduino https://t.co/tRPOgEPCIt

I need to shorten the cables going to the terminal block where the external sensors will connect, but it all fits beautifully in the enclosure. I even added ribbon so I can easily remove it (thanks @asiancwgrl). #MakersGonnaMake #Electronics #Arduino

Alright! Everything's connected. Once I have an enclosure I'll figure out how to organize the components, permanently attach the final three wires and shorten the others. For now, on to software. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics
Phase II. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics https://t.co/Qyquxli75t

Phase II. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics
So far I've mostly just made a mess of the dining room table. But it's coming along! #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics https://t.co/UoD87Ds7re

So far I've mostly just made a mess of the dining room table. But it's coming along! #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics
Starting to build the ludicrous design I came up with last weekend. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics https://t.co/IsCWxZ0Mgw

Starting to build the ludicrous design I came up with last weekend. #MakersGonnaMake #Arduino #Electronics